Camp NaNo Update #3

Camp NaNo Update banner #3

WriMos have more in common than, well… just being WriMos.

Regardless of whether writing goals are met in the first ten days; metered out over the month, or never met, challenge participants have to do more than simply write.

We have lives to live.

Work or school, spouses, partners, and children, health issues and caregiver responsibilities, and yes, even pets require our time and attention. As much as we may want to bury our heads in our WIPs… it ain’t happening.

NaNo organizers send out the first emails early telling WriMos to get organized and find the best writing tools… and snacks.

We’re told to clear our calendars of all major distractions, send our inner editors on vacation… or lock them in the proverbial closet, and get ready to write, sprint, write!

Because it’s just that easy… only not.

July and November have the distinction of including two major U.S. holidays—Independence Day and Thanksgiving—and even in years when Easter Sunday occurs in March, everyone from pre-schoolers to PhD candidates will celebrate the one-week-to ten-day break from studies in the U.S. known as Spring Break at some point during the month of April.

But NaNoWriMo is a global event.

So while some WriMos may not be concerned with cookouts, roasted turkeys, or trying to get to the nearest beach or amusement park, they’re still living lives which come with a laundry list of things which can pull them away from writing.

Water heaters break. Cars won’t start. Children need their parents. Out-of-town guests show up unexpectedly. Friends extend dinner invites. Writers get sick.

Life will get its time, one way or another.

And don’t we want it to? Isn’t that what being a writer is all about? Doesn’t the total sum of our experiences make us who we are?

True distractions? Maybe. Necessary? Definitely.

What are we writing about if we’re not living? How can we create our best work if our minds are only focused on creating our best work?

There’s a quote which says all a writer needs to do is sit down and write. However, before you can write, you need to live.

Our two oldest are in town for the rest of the week. We’ve already decided no one is standing out in one-hundred-and-five-degree heat just to flip burgers, but their list of movies to watch is massive and full of action movies… my weakness. Thank God I’m already over word count because I’m going to be distracted by family movie time… and the jokes, stories, food and laughter that go along with it.

I hope you’re distracted this month too.

Let’s be clear here—four hours on Twitter or three hours playing Call of Duty is not a distraction, it’s procrastination and you should be writing! 😀


Broken promises…

Writer Wednesday banner

Olivia falls back into old habits and defenses—a hard-line advocate for children during the day and a recluse by night, sequestered behind the large double oak doors of 4646 Beckwithe.

But it’s not as easy as she thought it would be… returning to the safety of the shadows. She’s seen as reckless and selfish, betraying those who have come to care about and trust her.



Deciding a glass of Merlot would relax her, Olivia padded down the hallway from her office to the bar in the den.
Before she reached the den, the chimes of her front door bell stopped Olivia in her tracks.
Her thick eyebrows knitted together as she cast a frown toward the foyer.
I never get visitor’s so who’s at my front door?  She thought of  Bruce and for a brief moment her heart raced as the corners of her mouth tried to morph into a smile. But her brain stepped in, reminding Olivia she sent Bruce away.
With a reluctant change in direction Olivia headed for the front door.
The chimes sounded two more making Olivia believe the person on the other side had an urgent matter to discuss. However, she was still caught off guard when she opened the door.
“You are such a liar!”
The attorney recoiled at the bitter insult flung at her by Casey Bellamy.
“C-Casey -”
“I trusted you! I believed you! Your words and promise meant nothing… you’re just a liar.”
The young woman’s voice grew louder. Despite the wild look in her eyes, Olivia pulled her inside and closed the door.
“Don’t touch me.”
“Casey, please. I need you to -”
“I don’t care what you need, Olivia.”
“Please.” Olivia held her hands out to Casey Bellamy. “I’m not a liar. At least tell me what you think I’ve done.”
“Oh, my God! Save the clueless act, Olivia. It’s condescending.”
“Look, -”
She shoved an angry finger in Olivia’s face. “You said you would never hurt my dad. You promised me you wouldn’t, Olivia, you promised!”

©2017 Felicia Denise, All Rights Reserved.


Family Matters 3D cover

Coming Soon! (Really!)

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